Track Editor Quick Start

This quick guide is meant for those who’d like to start creating racing tracks for Wing Breakers game and share them with players. Wing Breakers editor supports basic functions like placing racing gates, different objects and also advanced ‘godly’ stuff like placing hills, mountains, cracks and crevices.

Wing Breakers track editor is an online browser based editor, you can find it here:
Editor uses WebGL so your browser must be recent enough to support it – Chrome and Firefox desktop browsers would be best, running editor on mobiles is questionable to say the least.

Quick Start

Start with one of precreated tracks, you can find them by clicking Presets.


Adjust Gate Positions

You can move gates and objects around by using simple tools for moving,rotating and cloning them. Every race follows gates, if you click on one of gates, you can see a green line connecting them.


Playtest Time

Once you finished creating your track, you need to playtest it and finish at least one full race.
In editor click Playtest button. You will get a Playtest code that you will use in the game.

Time to start Wing Breakers game. Go to Track Editor, type in Playtest code and start test race.

Problems with your track? This part makes your work good & special.
Go back to the editor and fix the track – reposition gates, obstales, terrain and other objects. Click Playest again and do another playtest. Do this until your are happy with your track.


The Big Finale – Publish Time

Your track is finally ready to be shared. After you finish the race you can watch replays and take screenshots. Use one of them as track image. Your race replay will also be the first replay that other players will be competing against. Last thing to do is to name you track and publish it. Name must be unique so it can be found by other players.

Congrats, your new track is in the game! Everybody can now play it and try doing their best.
Players love to play new challenging tracks and get their names into the track rankings.
Nice tracks will also be featured in online and offline competitions like MP events and Speedruns.

Have fun creating stuff!